The Hoff Alert

Tämä ei flatteihin liity, mutta pakkohan Hasselhoffia on sen verran promota 😉

Yes! It’s what you’ve all been waiting for…The Hoff Alert – It is time to buy ’Jump In My Car’.

It seems a long time ago we set this site up. Possibly it seems a long time since you signed up.

Months have passed, much has happened, but now, it is time for something wondrous to occur. Time that this miraculous event should come to pass.

Time for us to go out unto the world and buy the Hoff.

Go out and buy ’Jump In My Car’, a delightful ode to highway harassment, a gleeful celebration of the joys of luring unsuspecting women into your talking lovewagon. Truly, a stranger danger masterpiece (told from the stranger’s point of view).

The last time the Hoff motivated people like this, the Berlin Wall came down. Who knows what may happen this time? World peace? Perhaps. An end to global suffering? Possibly. The presence of something other than X Factor induced tedium at number 1? We can but hope.

Buy Jump In My Car From 7 Digital
Buy Jump In My Car From iTunes

Thanks for signing up and let’s hope we can get the Hoff to number 1. This campaign was a bit of an experiment to see if people power over the internet could make something daft like this happen, and hopefully it will.

Thanks as well to all the media peeps who’ve supported us (including The Sun, Evening Standard, Reggie Yates, Scott Mills, the Ugly Phil show and Dave Fanning) – just to clarify though, this was a purely amateur effort fuelled by people power.

Satunnaisia poimintoja


Olemme koirien kanssa käyneet ahkerasti Mylliksellä ja treenattu sen jälkeen muutamalla dummyn heitolla. Nyt sunnuntaina taitaa Myllis jäädä. Ajattelin nimittäin vaihtaa kesärenkaat alle ennen lähtöä

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Metsälenkin varrella

Teimme tänään reilun 10 km lenkin tuossa lähimetsässä ja vain n. kilometrin päässä on hirvenkaatojälki. Paluumatkalla annoin koirien enemmänkin tutkia jätöksiä. Kuvat ja video ovat

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