Suru-uutiset tavoittivat.
Yritin soittaa Marylle sunnuntaina 21.10 ja kuulin, että hän on ollut sairaalassa 3 viikkoa. He eivät uskoneet Maryn selviävän.
Viime perjantaina 26.10 Mary nukkui pois.
Miten surullista! Suuri flattipersoona on poissa.
Mary on nyt Ellan luona.
UK:n flattikerhon YearBookista poimittua:
This lady has shown considerable dedication to the showing and judging of our Breed. She has judged here and overseas at Championship level for many years becoming one of our most experienced judges. She has been Chairperson of the Judges and Show Sub-Committee for 15 years – always willing to offer help and support and very rarely missed a meeting of a show. Until recently, she actively went working with her dogs picking up during the season and she is committed to maintaining the dual purpose qualities of our Breed. In recognition of her outstanding services to the Breed and Society we would, as a Committee, like to recommend that Mary Grimes is honoured with the award of Life Membership to this Society.